Restructuring WG and Council R&R

Title of the Proposal : Restructuring W&G and Council R&R

Category : Community support & decision : HR & Budgeting

Kudos : Ghosts #5456, tonyhan #8057

As Vault competes his research paper on DAO legalization, he has stepped down from the Working Group. In light of Vault’s departure, the role and responsibilities within the Working Group has been restructured: David has adjust his salary to $1,000 per month, JM to $700 per month and Yuuya Key to $300 per month. This results in a remaining $1,500 salary per month budget. The Working Group has decided to transfer $1,500 per month budget, along with the associated scope of work, to the Council group. Due to the transferring $1,500 salary per month budget, along with the associated scope of work, Council expands its scope of work and restructure the R&R (Increase salary from $300 per month to $600 per month).

New WG & Council Role aand Responsibility

WG & Council Role and Responsibility
Onely Partnership management, PR & Marketing, IRL management
RooRuuRii Community Management, IRL management
Lovewelchs Contents planning and operations, Deliverables management, Mirror ghostsproject management
Tonyhan Project management, Snapshot and Proposal management
Davidd Inbound Partnership, Governance/DAO Framework
JM Bounty Program management, SNS management
Yuuya Key Bounty Program support

※ Due to personal reasons, Soja will be leaving the Council in April and her role will be taken over by the rest of the Council.

Timeline: Changed R&R is already on board and changed salary will start on May.

Ask: None. No additional cost will be needed.

Accountability: Ghosts #5456, tonyhan #8057


Yes: Approve the changed R&R and salary

Np: Reject the changed R&R and salary