Category | Topics |
IdeationWhen you come up with a great idea to be discussed and executed, proponents can start the thread in this category and gather feedback from fellow Ghosts.
Straight to voteProposals that can go straight to vote will be moved to this category with the number.
Admins and moderators can leave comment. Proponents can comment in their proposal. |
Live GIPProposals live on snapshot will be moved to this category. Only admin, moderators can leave comment.
Vote will go live for 7 days. Those who hold Ghosts will be able to vote under single choice voting rule. YES or NO. |
FinalizedFinalized proposal will be archived here. Only admins and moderators can leave comment .
Meeting NotesThis is the category for WG and Council to share the meetings notes with community. Any community members can go through the notes and potentially acquire and propose ideas for DAO.
ReturnedWhen proposals are returned for certain reason, it will be moved to this category.
If the proposal is returned, the proponent should resubmit the proposal at the Ideation category with an update. |