Title of the Proposal : GIP 2: 2022 2nd half GhostsProject WG Payment Budget Proposal
Category : Community support & decision : HR & Budgeting
Kudos : Ghosts#1014, Davidd#2959
Abstract :
GIP 2: 2022 2nd half GhostsProject Working Group Payment budget proposal is about the WG budget required to maintain and operate inevitably centralized operation such as Discord, Social Media, and various tools designed to improve GhostsProject DAO’s operation for a total 6 months from 2022 July 1st to 2022 December 31st
Discourse: GIP 2 : 2022 2nd-half GhostsProject WG Payment Budget Proposal
- In order to support daily DAO operation with various DAO components(Discord, Twitter, Instagram, DAO tools, etc), managing resources (Working Group) is required. More information about the Working Group can be found here
Working Group R&R
- Remuneration of Working Group
- Total : 39,000 USDC
- Reference: Level & Compensation structure
- List of contributors
David (Level3, Discord WG) = $1,500 per month
- WG general process management (share the responsibilities for Partnership)
- WG Proposal Initiation
- WG Budgeting
- Discord Server Management
JM (Level3, Marketing WG) = $1,500 per month
- Instagram, Twitter Management
- Influencer, Steamers, Artist On-Boarding
- Partnership Management
- IRL Event Management
Accidental Tourist (Level3, Marketing WG) = $1,500 per month
- Global Communication
- Global Expansion (partnership & influencer management)
- Social Media Content Management
- IRL Event Management
Vault (Level3, Discord WG) = $1,500 per month
- DAO Tools Management
- DAO Framework Management
*Vault, who has been the finance expert in the field over 20years and advised numerous video game and crypto projects globally, has served as unofficial GhostsProject DAO advisor in pre-DAO stage and now will be joining the GhostsProject WG as DAO WG member.
Yuuya Key (Level 1, Moderator) = $500 per month
- WG Support
- Level 3 Renumeration : $1,500 * 4(people) * 6 (month) =$36,000
- Level 1 Renumeration : $500 * 1 (person) * 6 (month) = $3,000
- Total : $39,000
Level & Compensation
- Remuneration for the contributors will be paid on the 10th of the following month.
- If new contributors are added to the Working Group, a separate proposal will be made to cover the compensation till the end of 2nd half.
Timeline: Approved budgets will be executed till 23/01/10 after the proposal is approved.
Ask: 39,000 USDC
The requested operational budget will be executed from ghoststreasury.eth with 2/3 confirmation of the Multisig signers.
- mrmisang.eth (MrMisang#2807)
- rosc.eth (ROSC#0807)
- wisekim.eth (wise#0239)
Yes: Approve WG Payment Budget
No: Reject WG Payment Budget