Title of the Proposal: : GIP11: Extending the term of current multisig-signers
Main Category + Sub Category: Community support & decision : HR & Budgeting
Kudos : MrMisang
Abstract : ”Extending the term of current multisig-signers“ proposes the extension of current multisig-signers’ term which were approved by DAO at GIP 10: Initiating GhostsProject DAO. Current multsig-signers are made of Mr.Misang, Wise, and ROSC who served the role for 6 months. If approved, mutlsig-signers will continue serving its role untill the 1st Half(6/30) of 2023.
Discourse: GIP11: Extending the term of current multisig-signers
As the multsig-signers during the first post DAO stage have diligently served their fiduciary duty of executing the GhostsProject Treasury properly based on the request from DAO since the Day 1 by signing total of 21 transactions, extending the term of current multisig-signers is the preferable suggestion for the next epoch in order to keep Treasury safe.
Current multisig-signers are made of following members under 2/3 confirmation policy and term expires at 12/31, 2022.
Current Term
- Policy: 2/3 confirmation
- Signers
- MrMisang (Head): 0x4aDf0dbc8bB29A61BE114C22879202A76790C9d9
- Rosc: 0xAa37eB2841f4D1c4B283cc21800e2616d669B0b9
- Wise: 0x5cF6e510E0C123E1e839376F8Ea1900Bb9B9A6C1
Detailed R&R can be found in here.
Extended multisig-signers term will begin and last until 6/30, 2023. The policy of executing transactions and R&R of signers will remain same.
Extended Term
- Policy: 2/3 confirmation
- Signers
- MrMisang (Head): 0x4aDf0dbc8bB29A61BE114C22879202A76790C9d9
- Rosc: 0xAa37eB2841f4D1c4B283cc21800e2616d669B0b9
- Wise: 0x5cF6e510E0C123E1e839376F8Ea1900Bb9B9A6C1
- Extended term of multisig-signers will start at 1/1, 2023 and run till 6/30, 2023.
Ask: N/A
Accountability: multisig-signers
Voting Option:
Yes, approve the extension
No, reject the extension