GIP10: Gho Game Beta 2.0 Art Festival budget

Title of the Proposal: GIP10: Gho Game Beta 2.0 Art Festival budget

Main Category + Sub Category: Community support & decision: Others

Kudos : Ghosts#2295, J M#2559

Abstract : The number of participants of the Gho Game have decreased significantly and at the end of September, community members shared their thoughts on how the Gho Game could be improved. The discussion could be found on the following link:

The following are the key changes for Gho Game Beta 2.0:

  • An Art festival will be held within the Gho Game.
  • Prizes will be bought through auctions.
  • Point distributions will be made through, weekly claim(divided into three categories, based on the number of ghosts a community member holds), art submission, promotion of arts in Gho Game.
  • Points will NOT be reset after each round. Some of the remaining points after the three months will be airdropped for the upcoming rounds.

To induce more community members to display their creativity and expand the universe of GhostsProject an Art Festival will be held within the Gho Game, each round the winning artwork/content will be bought for 0.1ETH.

Discourse: GIP10: Gho Game Beta 2.0 Art Festival budget

The number of participants of the Gho Game have decreased significantly and at the end of September, community members shared their thoughts on how the Gho Game could be improved. The discussion could be found on the following link:

Gho Game Beta 2.0 will be experimented for three months. After the three months, an evaluation of the Gho Game Beta 2.0 will be made and adjustments will be made to enhance the Gho Game, before the actual Gho Game goes live.

The following are the key changes for Gho Game 2.0:

An art/content festival will be held within the Gho Game.

  • A main topic(ex: Survivors) will be set for Gho Game 2.0 and there will be a specific sub-topic for each rounds. The first subject will be presented by MrMisang, and for the following rounds the winner of the previous round will set the sub-topic for the next round.
  • The collected artworks/contents will be archieved into a digital magazine form
    • Requires a designer to archive the works of each round and create the newsletter text and card news. If there is a lot of ‘writing’ participation, a translator may be needed. Additional fees may be needed and another proposal regarding this will be made once the details for the payment have been made.
  • There is an opportunity to create a Community Art Collection drop on a NFT art platform that is to be announced.
  • Community members will have three weeks to submit their artworks/contents.
  • Community members will vote for their favorite work/content in the last week.
  • The artwork/content with the most votes will be bought for 0.1 ETH
  • The owner of the artwork will mint the artwork/content under their own name.
  • The winning artwork/content will be used for the following round of Gho Game

Prizes will be bought through auctions.

  • Two auctions will be held each week for the first two weeks.
  • Three auctions will be held each week for the following two weeks.

Point distributions will be made through, weekly claim, art submission, promotion of arts in Gho Game.

  • Weekly Claims are divided into three categories according to the number of Ghosts one holds
  • Art submissions could be made through any platform. However, they must upload the link on #art-submission.
  • Promotion of artworks in the Gho Game could be made in any SNS platform and must be shared in #promotion

Points will NOT be reset after each round. Some of the remaining points after the three months will be airdropped for the upcoming rounds.


  • More community members to display their creativity and expand the story of GhostsProject.
  • More artists to take part in the GhoGame to have the chance to display their work on NFT Art Platforms.
  • Increase in the quality of overall contents/arts
  • Reward those who actually participate and create meaningful artworks/contents.
  • Induce community members to participate by increasing the attractiveness of prizes through high-quality contents/arts purchasable
  • GhostsProject will be exposed as an art-based community

A report will be made after the three months and it will be shared in the #post-proposal channel.

Timeline: Within November

Ask: 0.3 ETH plus transaction fee

Accountability: J M#2559 and multisig-signers

Voting Option:

Yes: Use 0.3 ETH for Gho Game 2.0 Test Round

No: Do not use 0.3 ETH for Gho Game 2.0 Test Round


Interesting game , may make people know more community

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How the content will be minted if it wins?

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This is my idea based on last conversation, and JM’s idea.
There are 2 topics below.

  1. How to archive community art and improve participation rate.
  2. Make ‘Community art collection’ and drop it at some NFT art platform.

Improve Gho Game + Community art drop idea

Gho Game artworks :ghost:

  1. Set a big topic and set a small topic for each round.
  2. Fixed large topics. The sub-topic for each round changes from round to round.
    →The first subtopic is presented by MrMisang, and from the next round, the winner of the previous round is presented

example :
Fixed theme (stage setting): Survivors.
(At some point during the Fragments mushroom outbreak) :zombie:

Sub-topic : (Example) Survival cooking → Survival props → Festival → Chaos → Love … … Etc

Strengthen the feeling of expanding the world together.

lengthen the duration of the round. 3-4 weeks.

*Implication of ‘Survivors’: We can also think of them as survivors of the ‘Crypto Scene’.

Definition of ‘Participated Work’:ghost:

:point_right:Barriers to participation should be significantly lowered.

Not only pictures and music, but also short texts, chatting, daily photos, etc., any content that fits the sub-topic is considered participation.

example :
When ‘survival cuisine’ is the main theme, the phrase ‘I’m so hungry’ is also considered ‘participation’.
It could be an introductory article or article about other paintings/movies/cartoons related to ‘cooking’. (based on @tonyhan - Art Salon idea)

Selection of winners - The purchase process with Ether is the same as suggested by JM.

What will we do with the collected works? :ghost:

Virtual record. (The Book of Mushrooms? The Survivors’ diary?:thinking:)

“Archaeologists have found a badly damaged floppy disk in the ruins. As they proceeded with the restoration, they found out that this was a record left by survivors of an unknown disaster that happened in the distant past.”

→ Archiving the participating works by round in the form of a ‘digital magazine’.

Form of a ‘digital magazine’? :open_book:

  1. email. Newsletter de facto.

—> A simple format to attach participating works (video, music, text), etc. to the body of the email.
—> Editing may be necessary, such as putting together videos or organizing text into one image.
—> A banner image to be used in common every time (by MrMisang), a common HeadLine is required.
→Wouldn’t it be possible to aim for quality improvement by adding external ‘writers’ in the future?

  1. Twitter, Instagram posting in the form of card news.

2-1. After creating categories on the GhostsProject homepage, archiving quarterly (eg, 4 times a year). (Talking with OFF now.)
2-2. Once a year, organized in PDF magazine format and distributed by email.
2-3. It is possible to imagine making and distributing physical magazines in the distant future (still feels unrealistic and not necessary at this moment)

Who will make it? :pencil2:

-Requires a design manpower (one person) to archive the works of each round and create the newsletter text and card news.
-If there is a lot of ‘writing’ participation, a translator may be needed.
-Designers and translators are paid by Treasury. We wish we could find people in the community.

Reward work of ‘MrMisang’ :

Reward works are also produced according to the above subtopics. (I’m not sure at this moment)

target :

Encourage content creation and publicize it.

Community Art Collection drop :gem:

There is an opportunity to collect community creations and drop them into collections on certain NFT art platforms.
Example: 'Ghosts Project Community art collection #01, ‘Survival Cuisine’ (tentative title)
스크린샷 2022-11-15 오후 1.17.34

Ghogame work registration = considered as intention to participate in collection drops in the future.

Pls share your thoughts. Hope to launch next Ghogame soon.


This not only fulfill our two major goals : improving participation rate and creating the art-based community. Not sure how many users would heavily involve into this new gho-game, but it will definitely redefines our community.


Very interesting , it made me very excited. I agree with you, But will there be enough art workers? in our community I think participation with other projects It would be better to make more people know about our project. (However, I think it’s good for Ghost Project, and the community, if everyone contributes to each other.)

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to be honest, it depends on the prize. If the prize is 0.1 eth, I do believe there will be enough artists for the ghogame. Also, prize should be our goal, I want to make this ghogame/artcontest to be an entrance gate for holders to be nft artists.

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