Council WG Meeting log 3/12 (Public)

Weekly Meetings

  • Time : 2023-03-12
  • Meeting Member : Davidd, Onely, Lovewelchs, Tonyhan
  • GIP 17 : (Urgent) Treasury Portfolio Adjustment
    • If we make this a proposal, it should be a 15% quorum because it’s an infrastructure change.
    • It’s a burden for an individual to raise a proposal every now and then, so why not have a guide or protocol for emergencies
    • Creating a protocol guide should be a working group’s job
  • Bounty Program (new Ghogame)
    • @JM GhostsProject will be in charge of organizing bounty program
    • How sustainable are art competitions?
      • What if we expanded the contest beyond art to include ideas?
      • It would be good to see the community response from Ghoference
      • Less activity from artists/artists. People don’t vote well, and they wander around the contest without much attachment to the community. There are very few artists left who gathered at the co-chang exhibition
      • Does it make sense to orient GP to art community? We need to keep thinking about how to take the direction.
  • Ghoference (IRL event)
    • Discussion is up at the forum. Preparing without major issues.
    • It would be good to show that other holders can participate via proposal/vote, not just council/WG in the future.
  • Ideation
    • Diversifying stable coin
      • What’s our best way to diversifying stable coin in our treasury?
      • Need mid- to long-term discussions.
    • Investment using Treasury Asset
      • Staking Eth into LSD protocols?
      • Can be discussed with 1)
    • Increase user pools in Ghost Projects discord
      • Ghosts Bar (Korean community) ↔ Discord chat

does it mean we gonna add a new protocol? do we need 15% quorum to get that?

i agree with this part, but WGs did such a great job organizing GHoference2

I think this is the priority. I think Ghostsproject is 99% korean NFT project. Discord is not active, but open kakaotalk is active. Ghoference is 100% korean event. We shouldn use English anymore. it’s kinda silly all koreans talking to each other in English.


Yes we need to update our protocal, the discusstion will be uploaded. and we would still need 15% quorum to change it but eveything is open when we uploaded the discussion.

after Ghoference 2 ends, some of council members will be in charge of building a bridge in-between Ghosts Bar and Discord chat.

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