Time : 2023-03-19
Meeting Member : Davidd, Onely, Lovewelchs, Tonyhan, RooRuuRii
DAO Voting In Progress
GIP 19 : GhostsProject Bounty Program
Ends : Mar 24, 2023, 12:00 PM
GIP 19 : GhostsProject Bounty Program
Post-voting Process
GIP 17 : (Urgent) Treaasury Portfolio Adjustment
Did not Passed the qurum, Treasury portfolio will be remain as before -
GIP 18 : Ghoference Season2 (IRL event)
The vote passed with a “Agree with the budget support”, then 3.8eth was withdrawn from the Treasury to support this IRL event
WIP (Work In Progress)
Ghoference Season2 (IRL event)
Estimated visitors : Offline 112, online 20
IRL Head Moderator : Onely
IRL volunteers : RooRuuRii, Tonyhan, Soja + 3 more volunteers
Merch : Merchandise is in production
Online : Screening test will be done prior to the event date -
Ghosts Project Emergency Framework
Davidd designed the first draft and Tonyhan will upload “Emergency Framework” within a week
Treasury Portfolio Adjustment
After “Ghosts Project Emergency Framework” is done, Treasury Portfolio Adjustment will be handled next. -
Increase user pools in Ghost Projects discord
Ghosts Bar (Korean community) ↔ Discord chat
After Ghoference Season2 is done, this Ideation will be handled.