Weekly Meetings
- Time : 2023/09/24
- Meeting Member :
Davidd, Onely, RooRuuRii, Lovewelchs, Tonyhan
- Tracer Partnership Finished
- Push the Tracer x GhostsProject shoes when released
- Looks like old giveaway method doesn’t really work nowadays (Very low participation rate) - Better to refrain this type of giveaway (or do something like Paraders giveaway)
- Buy one personally or through treasury and gift to holders (Make them “Actually” use ghosts shoes in App
- Use case of using ghosts IP
- Push the Tracer x GhostsProject shoes when released
- Website Update Frontend Dev Inquiry
- Going to ask few acquaintances
- Bottleneck - No Contract
- Nouns DAO Fork Enabled - What’s the relevance for GP DAO?
- IP + DAO Research Paper ~
- Purchase Ghosts through treasury for Paraverse Giveaway - Requested
- Tracer Partnership Finished
Minted Oneday’s artwork has given us valuable insights into the creative process. After reviewing our initial art request, it’s become clear that we need to specify certain requirements more clearly. Even though we have a contract in place via our DAO system, it seems necessary to establish an additional, more detailed agreement between us and the artist.
- Deadline
we need to clarify the timing for when the artists will be paid and when we will receive the completed artwork - Request for Proposal
If we require specific elements, it’s important to enumerate the details that artists should incorporate into the artwork, such as the story line or individual features. Additionally, we should specify the number of revisions allowed for each piece.
As I currently have possession of the artwork, we need to decide on its storage location. Once that’s settled. I’ll proceed with the transfer. Additionally, I’d like the collection to be uploaded to our official Mirror website. After completing these steps. I’ll begin the search for our next contributing artist.
- Deadline
Crypto Art Seoul Summary, I need to get 2 more reviews from Bug City and Soju DAO,
once I get all the reviews, will post a summary writing on Twitter/Discord.- Still following up on this part, 2 of them haven’t sent me the reviews yet.
In progress: business partnership with XYZ
- They can give 10% off for Ghosts Holders. (Online +
Offline: only for Food/Beverage)- There is a hardness for off-line store discounts. because it needs some development in terms of applications. So, they said it’s not easy to start right now. It’s going to take a bit more time than expected.
(But, still requesting it from the business team to the development team.)
- There is a hardness for off-line store discounts. because it needs some development in terms of applications. So, they said it’s not easy to start right now. It’s going to take a bit more time than expected.
- Finalizing the discussion and need to check how to get an “offline” discount for holders.
- Extract the holder’s list from the contract
- renew this list monthly or bi-monthly.
- Extract the holder’s list from the contract
- They can give 10% off for Ghosts Holders. (Online +
Finalized quote and will open the application form to the community next week. We’ll be sending out 50 tickets (25 for each of the 2 designs) on a first-come, first-served basis to those who deposit. Due to resource limitations, the program will be limited to domestic holders only.
I’m not sure if we could have pushed the timeline a bit further, but we would have had to compromise on quality. Once this edition is made, we will be able to pull out subsequent editions more quickly, including additional orders and designs.
Upload Twitter
Starting with fragment 1, Twitter content will be uploaded daily (9/18)
Brainstorming Twitter content ideas to increase interaction
DAO Voting in Progress
- N/A
Post-voting Process
- "GIP 29 : Bridge Ghosts Project and Burning Souls Through a 5-panel Cartoon”
Snapshot - Commenced the minting of Oneday’s Art