Discussion: Hiring GhostsProject Council

Title: GhostsProject Council Application: <Ghost #959>

  1. About Yourself
    : Onely.
    I joined in Ghosts Project community in November 2021 as a WL minter.

  2. Your Past Contribution to GhostsProject Community
    [Ghosts project official discord]**

  • Quantitive engagements: about 5,000 chattings.
  • Participation in official events: townhall, official AMAs, game events(winner of special arts)
  • Making content: writing proposals for making a better community.

[Derived community]

  • Ghosts study room sub owner
  • Ghoference co-host & speaker
  • Participation in holder events: IRL, open chatting rooms
  • Making content and management at the derived community.
  1. Why you should be part of the council
  • I’m fully understanding all the contexts and the flow of the ghosts project. Because I was in here from the first start. And, even before transferring to DAO, I already started to propose several ideas to support ghosts project to get better. Until now, I’m online at many communities about ghosts project such as ghost bar and ghost study room. Even, I’m working at the web3 company, so I can help and make various ideas for this project.