Weekly Meetings 2023/07/23

Weekly Meetings

  • Time : 2023
  • Meeting Member :
    Davidd, Onely, RooRuuRii, Lovewelchs, Tonyhan

DAO Voting in Progress

  • GIP 27 : Paraverse - Quorum Passed

Post-voting Process

WG & Council Last Week WIP This Week WIP
Onely Meeting with XYZ and follow up. - Meeting with Blockkey about the meetup. - Writing the ghoference deck - Writing the ghoference deck
RooRuuRii - Merch 2nd meeting - Merch design discussion - Merch design community voting
Lovewelchs - Merch 2nd meeting - Merch design discussion - Merch design community voting
Tonyhan - The transaction volume for the Ghosts Project has seen a decline since the launch of Burning Souls. What strategies should we implement to address this? - design strategies to address current situation
Davidd - Multisig Wallet : Gnosis Check - Breeder DAO Partnership Schedule + Agenda - Paraverse Event discussion - Paraverse Event launch - Breeder DAO Announcement/Event - Multsig Uniswap Execution Test
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